numerical quadrature

网络  数值求积



  1. Almost all the classical methods of numerical differentiation, numerical quadrature and numerical integration of ordinary differential equations are directly derivable from interpolation formulas.
  2. The process of solving either a definite or an indefinite integral is called integration. Numerical solutions of Burgers 'equation by harmonic differential quadrature method
  3. Orthogonal Spline Collocation for a Partial Integro-differential Equation with a Weakly Singular Kernel Numerical solutions of Burgers 'equation by harmonic differential quadrature method
  4. Numerical results show that this algorithm can fasten the quadrature point detection sharply and therefore improve the efficiency of meshless numerical computation.
  5. In this paper, a new unconventional numerical quadrature with fewer node values is established based on a special nonconforming rectangular finite element.
  6. The numerical technique of harmonic differential quadrature ( HDQ) method is employed for transient simulation of the interconnect systems in high speed VLSI.
  7. By means of numerical quadrature, vertical surface displacement was evaluated and the influences of degree of non-homogeneity 、 depth of load acting in the subgrade and load frequency of excitation on it were investigated.
  8. In this paper, a novel numerical solution technique, moving least squares differential quadrature method is employed to solve two-dimensional Helmholtz equations.
  9. By the four boundary conditions and the method of the discrete numerical quadrature, the lengths of the plastic zone, the exit elastic zone and entrance elastic zone are calculated.
  10. The computer program is developed by numerical quadrature, and fatigue life of a certain reliability and credibility is produced and compared with that generated by the conventional calculation method.
  11. A new numerical approach entitled 'differential quadrature element method' was used for the second order analysis of frames.
  12. Therefore the generalized numerical quadrature formula with the single node is deduced naturally.
  13. Parallel computation of numerical quadrature.
  14. Numberical Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation and Numerical Gauss-Jacobi Quadrature
  15. Numerical Computation for Structural Dynamic Responses Based on a Highly Accurate Differential Quadrature Method
  16. Numerical quadrature for dynamic stress intensity factor of thick walled cylinder
  17. The results of numerical examples demonstrate the validity of differential quadrature element method ( DQEM) using in the second order analysis of frames.
  18. Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic pressure on vibrating plates through differential quadrature method with fluid-structure interaction
  19. A new numerical computational Method, Differential Quadrature Domain Decomposition Method, is presented based on the advantages of Differential Quadrature Method and Domain Decomposition Method.
  20. Progressive computation and numerical tables of generalized Gaussian quadrature formulas
  21. First of all, it introduces a kind of simple and practical numerical quadrature method for calculating the vibration characteristics of wheel system.
  22. The integral formula for radiation angle coefficient among slab, slab zones, radiant tubes and wall in slab annealing furnace with radiant tubes are analyzed and deduced. The calculation of these factors are made by numerical quadrature method.
  23. A Parallel Numerical Algorithm for Adaptive Quadrature
  24. A New Numerical Field Equalizing Method in UWB Quadrature Demodulation Receiving System for Real Time Amplitude and Phase Errors
  25. To avoid frequent shape updates of the local subdomains, the fundamental variables are represented with a spatial configuration, with the numerical quadrature conducted on the material configuration.
  26. Numerical experiments were also conducted on different quadrature formulas were compared.
  27. An untraditional numerical integration scheme, i.e., Chebyshev points quadrature ( CPQ), is suggested by us to form the elemental mass matrix and stiffness matrix.
  28. To estimate the accuracy of the present element, another standard numerical integration scheme, i.e., Gauss-Legendre quadrature ( GLEQ), is employed to form the elemental stiffness matrix.
  29. Semi-analytic solution, namely the Fourier transform method-one of integral-transform method ( ITM) and its numerical inverse transform, as well as the differential quadrature element method ( DQEM) are adopted to solve the problem, respectively.